You hear me?
Ramble on
Cleaning house
Here I am...
Body language
Camera One

< ? diary of a feminist ! >

03.26.04 ~@~ 10:47 a.m.


The last couple of weeks have been burnout city. Fights, confiscated weapons, and suicidal ideation from 13 year olds have all made for an exhausting time lately. Not to mention that winter tried to creep back in last week, killing my red camellia bush in it�s tracks�.AND I have simply not had enough intimate action for my liking.

This gal needs some physical release to ease the daily chaos that her profession brings about�ya hear.

But this week things have been better. The suns warmth on my bare shoulders the last few afternoons have lifted my funk, and sent me reeling with daydreams of flirty summer skirts and approaching vacations. I have been breathing deeper. Dinner out tonight will be well waited for, and a surprise raise in my paycheck next week is sure to lift my spirits a tad. Things are on the up and up.

Next Saturday we escape to San Francisco for a week of exploring, shopping, and general fancy-hotel relaxation. There is no doubt that just getting away for a week is sure to recharge my mind and body, and return the glossy-lipped smile to my face.

It�s also about time for some massive spring cleaning. Ooh la la. How I love cleaning out the stuff that junks up my closets�all that STUFF that accumulates, and causes me to stare and wonder, �Just how did I think I needed all this crap?� Junk. Odds and ends. Little things. I feel a need to pare down, to minimize. In general, to clean the chaos out and start fresh. Break out of the routines that this new job has created in order to survive, and re-vitalize by cooking some new meals, getting outside more during the workday, and perhaps seducing that husband of mine.

Gotta dust off the old gears and get them turning again. Hell, isn�t that what spring is all about?

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